Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Feast for Crows by George R. R. Martin (2005)

Thanks to the always amazing JLowe, I have now read four of the five available Songs of Ice and Fire books (aka that Game of Thrones series), having just finished all 1000+ pages of A Feast for Crows (2005). I've yet to see any of the TV show, but I hear it is awesome and I'm rather excited to see scheming and ambitious Tommy Carcetti as the scheming and ambitious Petyr Littlefinger in what has to be one of the best casting decisions of all time.

Once again it is rather hard to write about this next installment in Martin's increasingly complicated and yet just as exciting series without giving away big chunks of the plot. I can tell you that here Martin focuses on the characters in Westeros and King's Landing and we don't hear much at all from the Wall or Daenerys. As fans of the series will guess, this takes away focus from the supernatural elements of the story, but it gives us plenty of time to further develop the political "game of thrones" and the complex motivations of our characters. While there is not nearly as much death and tragedy in this volume, there is plenty of darkness. And I'm guessing that when I borrow Book 5 from John (hey John, can I borrow book five from you?), I will get my fill of dragons and Others and (hopefully), Tyrion.

Oh, and if you are wondering what is taking so long between posts, I'm going to blame it on a combination of buying this new house, traveling for work, taking on very long books like this one, and these guys. Fern and Loretta are so cute that they make it hard to find time to read or write blog posts!

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