Friday, April 28, 2006

Bookin' It

Last weekend, Josh and I carried out the previously mentioned margaritas and book shopping plan at the Literacy Austin Bookfest (and incidentally, you can still cash in on this fest of books tomorrow from 8-3, with free admission). Josh was extremely restrained and picked out five quality books from the overwhelming mish-mash on the shelf.

I ended up with a relatively well-thought out nineteen books. At one point I even sat on the floor, looked through all the books in my arms, and put four or five of them back. That is restraint, people.

And so, in case you are keeping track, here is a list of the books I bought at the sale, along with some sort-of crappy pictures. [Note that the dates are publication dates, not necessarily the date of the original version].

Science Fiction (pictured above):
The Midwich Cuckoos, John Wyndham (1957)
New Tales of Space and Time (1958)
The War Against the Rull, A. E. Van Vogt (1959)
The Time Machine, H. G. Wells (1964)
The Second Atlantis, Robert Moore Williams (1965)
The Corridors of Time, Poul Anderson (1965)
The Coming of the Terrans, Leigh Brackett (1967)
The Jewels of Elsewhen, Ted White (1967)
The Eyes of Heisenberg, Frank Herbert (1970)
Pail of Air, Fritz Leiber (1979)
The Ultimate Alien, Byron Preiss (1995)

Mystery :
Evidence of Things Seen, Elizabeth Daly (1943)
Witness for the Prosecution and other stories, Agatha Christie (1948)
A Murder is Announced, Agatha Christie (1950)

Other stuff:
Beauty and the Beast : Diary of a Film, Jean Cocteau (1972)
Memoirs of a Survivor, Doris Lessing (1974)
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, John Berendt (1999)
The Orchid Thief : A True Story of Beauty and Obsession, Susan Orlean (2000)

And because I read every young adult Judy Blume book about a million times as a kid, I could not resist picking up her adult novel from the 1970s:

Wifey, Judy Blume (1979)

Let the reading begin!

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