Monday, March 03, 2008

Why I am skeptical of bangs

My hair looked weird like this for about ten years of my life, until I figured out the secret of growing it all one length. Lately I have given into the idea of very long bangs and am controlling them much better than I did in the third grade. See more nostalgic photos from my youth here. And thank pinprick for this journey back in time, which actually made me wish I had more of my embarrassing childhood pictures available for scanning...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must have residual trauma from growing out the bangs of my youth (my mother also felt it appropriate for my bangs to begin at the crown of my head) as I am resistant to all suggestions of bang upon my head. Despite several salon recommendations along the way, I stand by my belief that thick sort-of-wavy hair and lazy maintenance do not go hand in hand with bangs. I think it is just them trying to get me dependent on them, like "the first hit is free but if you want to maintain this you need to come in every four weeks and give me all of your money."