Thursday, May 01, 2008


I answered a telemarketing call yesterday (because they had been calling twice a day for two weeks and I wanted them to stop), and it ended up being a marketing survey. I had some time to kill, so I played along with their questions (I have a lot of sympathy for survey-takers since my sister and half my friends all used to work at a survey phone-bank when we were in high school). The survey asked a lot of questions about big chain restaurants that I never go to, and finally narrowed in on Chili's. The best question from the whole survey (which honestly made me giggle when she asked it):

On a scale of one to ten, with one being not bothered at all and ten being very upset, how would you feel if you could never eat at Chili's again?

Noooooooooooooo! Anything but that!


jlowe said...

I think my answer would be "Zero, unless the only other options were Applebees and TGIFridays"

Josh Krauter said...

I think I'll say 10. I've only been to a Chili's once, and that was just to have free drinks when a guy I worked with at the record store bartended there on weekends, and I never intend to go there again. However, if some strange person had the power to prevent me from ever entering a Chili's, I would be concerned. Concerned and upset. Who is this dark wizard, preventing me from entering characterless chain eateries? What are his plans for me? Is he using me for some dark non-Chili's-related purpose?

Anonymous said...

I ate at TGI Friday's last night and I am very, very upset with myself today.

steigrrr said...

where's the other end of the scale? why can't you say, "actually, my life's goal is to never eat at chili's again, and if i achieve that i will be filled with a sense of deep satisfaction and maybe even elation." and did they give you the chance to lambaste whoever came up with the idea for that baby back ribs commercial?