Sunday, October 29, 2006

Happy Fallback!

I love the day when the clocks are set back and you get a whole extra hour of your Sunday. It is, in fact, potentially my favorite day of the entire year.

I always wait until late in the day to actually set the clocks back so that I can constantly surprise myself. Oh, its not actually 10:24, its 9:24. Excellent. I'll just keep doing this all day. Eventually I'll set my watch back, but not the other clocks in the house. Slowly I'll change everything to new time. Then I will have an extra drink, get some reading in, and enjoy my damn hour.

[The worst day of the year is when you lose that hour, but lets not think of that on this special day.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't set my clocks back until bedtime when I am forced to set the alarm. I had an extra hour to watch the special features on "The Devil and Daniel Johnston." Nice.