Friday, November 02, 2007

Los Angeles

Los Angeles Plays Itself (2003, directed by Thom Andersen) is an amazing documentary on the history of Los Angeles, film making, architecture, popular culture, the director's life, what Los Angeles looks like in the movies, what it looks like when it is pretending to be someplace else, what it really looks like, and about a million other things. It is also really really really great. If you are in Austin on November 14th, you should go see it at the Ritz.


Josh Krauter said...

Oh my god, yes. Everyone see this movie.

steigrrr said...

that sounds fantastic! dammit. i can't go see it. and definitely not at the ritz. i miss the movies i got to see in austin. and i miss you people, of course. but wow do i miss those movies.

Spacebeer said...

I don't think it is out on video yet, but keep an eye out for it -- definitely worth seeing, even at home.

[And the people and movies of Austin are missing you too...]