Warning: boring story ahead!
So last night just before Dr. M was going to bed, our DSL stopped working. Bleh. I woke up and checked some connections and turned the modem on and off with no response. In the morning I got up a little early, did all that again, and then called the AT&T tech support number. The guy had me do all the things I'd just done again and then put a work order in to the line technicians to check the line. After a couple hours, they called and I talked to a different help desk guy who said the line was fine, but they would like to send someone over to the apartment to check the line inside and do some troubleshooting. Yay! Dr. M and I worked it so that at least one of us was home all afternoon. Thank god it wasn't me when the technician came and figured out that the problem was the little connector I had hooking two phone cords together (since our modem is far away from our phone jack). The little guy had cracked and wasn't holding together all the way. So even though I totally wasted AT&T's time and a bunch of my own energy, the technician guy was nice about it and gave us a free really long phone cord so that we don't have to use the connector deal any more.
And now, even though I had productivity plans for this evening (cleaning the bathroom! writing about this book that I read awhile ago!), I am worn out from reassembling all the computer bits and re-hooking up the wireless router so instead I'm going to have a drink and read a new book. Zip!
It is vitally important that you do not clean the bathroom! If the black hole eats us all tomorrow you'll be really mad you spent your last night on earth scrubbing grout.
Today I had no excuse, but my bathroom is now clean enough to be installed at CERN.
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