Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I've always wished that I knew more about cheese. This past weekend Josh and I went to the overwhelming and fun cheese department at Central Market in search of some Neufchatel Cheese for these fancy grilled cheese sandwiches he was going to make and serve with homemade gazpacho (both turned out awesome). This cheese isn't that rare or expensive, but in my limited cheese experience, I'd never had it. Just imagine my surprise when I opened the vaguely heart-shaped container to find a perfectly heart-shaped block of cheese. Yay!

Josh showed the heart-shaped cheese no mercy when he pulled out his knife. This cheese is tangy and strong, but not too strong. It has a nice texture and it tastes great with gazpacho, or with grapes, or just by itself.

This is really only the second time we've explored the cheese aisle. For photographic evidence of the really bizarre purple-red cheese we bought before (which was also good, all cheese is good), go over here.


steigrrr said...

i had forgotten about gazpacho! it used to be my favorite summer thing to eat, and i found this recipe that i loved, and each summer i would make a big vat of it every few weeks. it had tons of garlic and also shrimp! deeelicious. i haven't made it in a couple of years, but you may have just inspired me to go to the grocery and start that tradition again. with cheese.

hey, here's the recipe! it was still there. i add a few extra cloves of garlic, and i don't like the cumin in this, so i leave that out: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/recipe_views/views/12647

Spacebeer said...

That gazpacho sounds really delicious. Ours didn't have any shrimp in it, but I'd like to try a shrimp-in variety. Basically throwing shrimp in anything is a good idea.