Thursday, June 01, 2006

An Erection? What's That?

In the past couple of days, I've somehow managed to watch this one exceedingly long Viagra commercial with my dad three or four times. It isn't so bad until the fake TV doctor gets to a long list of side effects. One caution is that you should probably call a doctor if you have had an erection for more than four hours. Seriously, TV, this is really funny, but I'm just not the kind of girl who can make jokes about erections with my dad. Please don't play this commercial for us anymore. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

I've done the uncomfortable stare-straight-ahead-at-the-screen thing while watching TV with my dad too. Maybe you should mute all the commercials, just to be safe.

Josh Krauter said...

That doctor in the photo has had an erection for six hours and twenty-three minutes.