Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Secret Boyfriend: Air Edition

In honor of our overly interesting flight experience this week, I present everyone's favorite pilot: Harrison Ford!

Han Solo was my first secret boyfriend of all time. Wee Kristy wanted to marry him. My second SB was Michael J. Fox when he was on Family Ties, but then I figured out that I was already taller than him and I was like eight. MJF is no longer an SB, but Harrison (especially Han Solo) still hits the list.

Of course, Indiana Jones is not too shabby.

In fact, Harry is pretty good in all his incarnations.

In addition, he is actually a real pilot who flies his own plane around. One time he had to make an emergency landing in my hometown. It isn't mentioned in this article, but he apparently visited a strip club while in town and the media went wild. I think a story about it was on the front page of the local paper. Strip club visits when stranded in unknown towns really only make me like him better.

And finally, lets see a little more of that Solo action. Woo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget how crisp and manly he looked wearing Amish garb in Witness!