Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Fire Roasted Love Crackers

My new true love.


Plop Blop said...

Those are good.

Spacebeer said...

Nick, you commented like one second after I wrote this post. Are you spending all day scouring the web for mentions of Fire-Roasted Tomato Triscuits or something? Actually, that wouldn't be a bad use of your time....

Plop Blop said...

I signed up for the Triscuit RSS feed and connected it to my cell phone. Your post alerted me during class, and I excused myself before running to the computer lab. Priorities, you know?

jlowe said...

Do those have MSG? Because I really like the Cracked Black Pepper Triscuits but then I saw they have MSG.
Damned cheap flavor enhancer!!

Spacebeer said...

I prefer to live in ignorance of MSG content in my favorite foods, so there is no way I'm going to look. Although I suspect that if one tasty flavor of Triscuits has MSG, they probably all do...