Sunday, May 14, 2006


What Kryptonite is to Superman, tequila shots are to me. Except only if Superman really liked Kryptonite at parties and couldn't resist having some whenever it was offered. Superman is probably much more responsible than me when tempted in a social situation. Plus, do you get to lick your hand or suck on a lime after having some Kryptonite? Doubtful. Stupid Superman has completely messed up my analogy.

[This page has a lot of information on Kryptonite, but don't look at it if you are hungover. I think I need to go back to bed.]


Anonymous said...

that's the fucking funniest thing i've ever read. Excluding comic geniuses. i 'm sorry, do you feel bad. I'll just say this, it made me laugh louder and longer than I have in a long time. Thanks sweet.

Spacebeer said...

Are you saying I'm not a comic genius? Because I totally am. Lets take a shot on it!