Wednesday, May 17, 2006

We'll give it a shot!

This morning on my way to work, the radio blessed me with what I now consider to be the number one morning song of all time: Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer". The electro "whu-oh-uh-oh-uh-oh" voice, the heart-felt message, Tommy and Gina, it is all there. I think it made the rest of my day much better than it otherwise would have been.

And thank you, YouTube, for making the video available to all:

In addition to being an awesome song, this video exhibits some of my favorite video qualities: The band goofing around getting ready for a big concert, long poofy boy hair, lots of guitar shenanigans, harnesses, and then a big finish at the real concert. Plus, if I had been there in real life, it would be pretty fucking awesome when Jon Bon Jovi flies out over the audience at the end.

Ten-year-old Kristy was totally rocking out to this while playing Barbies. Why on earth don't I own Slippery When Wet?


Josh Krauter said...

Nothing lets you know what it's like working on the docks or in a diner like a wall of pyrotechnics and a harness that shoots you into and above a crowd of thousands of people. Blue-collar life is hard, goddamn it!

Anonymous said...

I saw them on the tour after that one, but they were ditching their poofy image somewhat. I swear there wasn't a harness within five miles of that place. Lame, but I wasn't too disappointed. I had more refined tastes by then and had already moved on to bigger and better bands, like Guns n' Roses and (cough) Winger.