Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Wet books, ya'll

The carpets have officially been dried, the padding replaced, and the whole damn place steamcleaned. There are still some stale smells floating around, but I think I can treat them with baking soda and positive thinking. The main victims in this tragedy are a bunch of my American Archivist journals (which I hadn't really read yet because sometimes I'm not so good about keeping up on the archival theory), a few books about going to Las Vegas (which I don't really need as much now that I have already been there), and two copies of my senior thesis from college. The thesis is still readable and got pretty dry, and it was really the only irreplaceable thing. I also lost a few pieces of bedroom furniture that were actually cardboard boxes, including a bookshelf and my nightstand. Note: cardboard furniture does not hold up to water. Now I just have to put all my damn shit away. And buy a nightstand.

The final victim is my big toe on my left foot. I guess squatting down and sopping up water for three hours can do weird things to your toe nerves and now my toe feels like it is asleep all the time. This makes me do a funny clomp walk that amuses my husband. My hope is that the tingle toe will dissipate with time...

Click here for not-so-exciting flood pics.

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