Saturday, September 02, 2006

Lessons Learned

1. Salmon flavored cream cheese is initially not as bad as you would think it might be. A few seconds later it becomes much worse than you would have imagined. I think someone should do a study on this.

2. We almost never see roaches in our apartment, and yet when we have people over, one always comes out. Its like they are just hiding and waiting to torment us when there are other people around. This one hid under our couch and didn't come out again until this morning when Josh hit it so hard with a newspaper that it disappeared. That's completely possible. No joke.

3. Twang is more funny to buy and say than it is to drink, but unlike the salmon cream cheese, it is mostly inoffensive.

4. Hummus tacos are great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shit man, you ate the hummus tacos? you musta been trippin' balls in like ten minutes.